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Congregation B'nai Israel of St.Petersburg

CBI Sisterhood Board Meetings - 2024-2025

Wednesday, August 14th
6:00 PM-at CBI 

Wednesday, September 4
5:00 at CBI

Wednesday, November 6
5:00 PM  at CBI                     

Wednesday, December 4
7:00 via  Zoom 

Wednesday, January 8
7:00 -via Zoom

Wednesday, February 5
5:00 pm at CBI

Wednesday, March 5
7:00 PM - via Zoom

Wednesday, April 9
5:00 PM @ CBI

Wednesday, May 7
5:00 PM @ CBI

Wednesday, June 4
5:00 pm at CBI

Additional Events:

Selling Soup - $5/each - ongoing

Mitzvah Meals Hug in a Bowl Project - ongoing

HER project - Month of May

Donation to food pantry - ongoing

Baking Pumpkin Bread for Thanksgiving - preorders only $5 - undetermined

Providing kiddush lunches on Shabbat - ongoing

Donating money to Summer Scholarship for Youth Programs- Approximately March 

Providing flowers on the bimah and for every Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush lunch.

January - Nominating committee chosen. New slate will be presented in March and voted on at the final General Meeting in May. 

Sat, October 5 2024 3 Tishrei 5785